Room Mailbox "Backup" Approver Possible?
We have just finished migrating from Exchange 2003 to 2010. We're trying to take advantage of Room Mailboxes. I'm trying to determine whether there is some way to configure an "alternate" approver of room requests. This peson would not get all of the email
notifications. However, they would be able to manually open the room mailbox and approve requests.
Essentially, I want one or more people who can approve meeting requests in cases where the "primary" room mailbox delegate is out of the office. I don't want this alternate to get all of the approval request emails though, so simply adding two delegates
doesn't quite seem like a viable solution.
April 2nd, 2011 12:13pm
Just add FullAccess and SendAs rights to the alternate approver on the Room mailbox.
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "Room Mailbox" -User "AlternateApprover" -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All
and Add-ADPermission -Identity "Room Mailbox" -User "AlternateApprover" -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights "send as"
After this, the AlternateApprover person can open the Room Mailbox and manually approve (or decline) booking requests.Jesper Bernle | Blog:
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April 2nd, 2011 2:41pm
Thank you Jesper. Very helpful! Hope you don't mind a few follow-up questions...
(1) In your example above, I assume that "AlternateApprover"
is actually the username of the account that I wish to grant permission to. Correct?
(2) Can "AlternateApprover" be a AD security group?
April 2nd, 2011 5:23pm
1) Yes
2) Yes
And just to put in a NO here, No, I don't mind ;-)Jesper Bernle | Blog:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 3rd, 2011 3:49am
Thanks! For anyone else that might care, I also noticed that FullAccess and SendAs rights can also be set via the EMC.
April 3rd, 2011 1:27pm